Practice will be closed on Thanksgiving (23 & 24 November), Christmas (25 December) & New Year (01 January,2024) and also on December 5th to 8th.
You might consider getting a chiropractic adjustment if you have back, neck, joints, hips, or general pain issues. You can have better health through chiropractic care, and Tatum Chiropractic and Wellness is the best-rated chiropractor near me that you’re looking for to take care of all your essential chiropractic care needs and more.
We are conveniently located in Cave Creek and Phoenix, AZ. Whether you need walk-in chiropractic care in Cave Creek, AZ, or a local chiropractor in Phoenix, Tatum Chiropractic and Wellness has you covered. We even handle whole health and advanced chiropractic solutions that treat many health conditions.
A chiropractor is a specialist who helps folks manage their joint and bone health through various treatments.
Tatum Chiropractic and Wellness is a family chiropractic center specializing in treating several conditions, including active chiropractic care for athletes and those with activity-related injuries and general care for spinal health.
Chiropractors use their knowledge of the musculoskeletal system to provide treatment by manipulating bones and joints. Many patients look for a “top-rated chiropractor near me” to improve mobility and flexibility and relieve the pressure that builds up in-between joints and vertebrae.
Many people receive chiropractic adjustments to maintain their health and relieve stiffness and soreness, but our chiropractor in 85331 does much more.
Here are a few ways our affordable chiropractors in Cave Creek, AZ, and Phoenix, AZ, can help treat you:
Massage therapy is an important part of overall wellness. Our massages can promote wellness and relaxation, help treat tension, muscle soreness, and general aches and pains, and help to relieve injuries.
As part of a full-body treatment plan, a regular massage has many benefits, including improving blood flow and healing from muscle-related injuries, reducing stress, and improving comfort and focus. We can even use massages to help treat numbness and tingling in the extremities, carpal tunnel, headaches, and migraines.
You can book massages for yourself or the entire family, and our talented staff will tailor the massage to your specific needs.
Spinal Care
Spine-related chiropractic care is one of the most important types of treatment we offer patients here at Tatum Chiropractic and Wellness at our locations in Cave Creek and Phoenix, AZ.
The spine is the most important set of bones in the body, and many different issues can be caused simply by not taking care of your spinal health. Our chiropractors can treat each area of the spine to handle conditions like sciatica, herniated or bulging discs, misalignment, general pain and stiffness, and more.
Problems like headaches and migraines can be related to spine health and pressure on different nerves and muscles throughout the body.
Specialized Care
Tatum Chiropractic and Wellness also provide specialized chiropractic care, including chiropractic care for kids and pregnancy care, so that we will be there no matter your needs.
If you think you and your family may benefit from chiropractic care in Cave Creek and Phoenix, AZ, contact us today to set up your next chiropractic care treatment appointment.
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