What to Expect from Chiropractic Dental Pain Treatment

What to Expect from Chiropractic Dental Pain Treatment

Jun 01, 2021

Dental pain does not only account for the discomfort you experience when you have severe dental decay and a toothache. Those are best treated by a dentist, instead of a chiropractor near you. However, in dentistry, some kinds of pain can be treated through the techniques and methods performed by chiropractors in 85331.

When your jawbone is not functioning as it should, it often has to do with TMJ. Although it is a fairly common oral problem in dentistry, few patients are conversant with TMJ and the possible chiropractic treatments thereof.

What Is TMJ?

It stands for temporomandibular joint. It features a part of your oral cavity located right in front of the ears around your cheek area. This joint is responsible for connecting the skull and the jawbone. When something is amiss in this area of your face, then the jaw will not function as it should.

TMD is the abbreviation used to refer to the disorder of this particular joint. The disorder can happen due to different factors, including the following:

  1. Face trauma – especially blunt trauma
  2. Accidents and injuries
  3. Excessive teeth grinding – also known as bruxism
  4. Improper alignment of the joint
  5. The tension of the muscles due to stress and extreme mood swings
  6. Post-surgery effects – usually cosmetic-related surgeries that can easily tamper with the framework of your jawbone.
  7. Muscle problems – weakness of the facial muscles or even muscle spasms can be the reasons for dental pain around TMJ.
  8. Underlying health issues like arthritis that may can inflammation

What Happens When You Have TMD?

The problematic joint will result in many other symptoms that not only affect your oral cavity, but also other parts of your body. The primary effect of TMD is difficulty in using your mouth. Jaw movements will become difficult, which means that chewing, yawning, talking, and many other oral activities will be problematic. Some other symptoms to anticipate include:

  1. Pain when you eat
  2. Ringing and tingling feeling in your ears
  3. Swelling in your face around the affected side of the joint
  4. Recurrent migraine headaches
  5. Neck pain
  6. Shoulder pain
  7. Jaw lock – a situation where your upper and lower jaw is stuck when you open your mouth

Treating TMD with Chiropractic Care

It is not every day that you hear about dental pain chiropractic care. Many people would rely on dentists for any oral-related problems. While there is nothing wrong with that, you may need to seek help from a chiropractor in Cave Creek when you have dental pain caused by TMD.

This condition affects more than your oral cavity. If anything, many of the symptoms you experience will affect other parts of your upper body than your mouth. The role of a chiropractor, therefore, cannot be dismissed when treating this type of dental pain.

Depending on the underlying cause of your disorder, a chiropractor can offer you treatment. Some of the ways that a chiropractor can benefit you regarding treating TMJ dental pain include:

  1. Promoting relaxation – stress causes you to clench your facial muscles and teeth so much. When you are stressed for a long time, it can result in TMJ issues. Chiropractic care is known to promote relaxation and significantly lower stress levels for patients.
  2. Muscle relief and relaxation – tensed muscles, weak muscle tissues, and even muscle spasms are among the areas of specialization for chiropractors. A specialist can offer significant relief to your facial muscles in 1 to 3 sessions.
  3. Realignment – chiropractic care is known for the realignment of displaced discs. Whether in your spinal region or TMJ, a chiropractor can effectively align your body for optimal functionality. Manipulating the jaw with gentle pushes and pressure will help align the displaced disc in the joint and restore functionality.
  4. Relieving pain – when there is a problem with the TMJ, pain is only experienced if the nerves thereof are receiving pressure. With adjustments and manipulation, the chiropractor attending you will help release the pressure on your nerves, which will help treat the pain.


When you figure out a TMJ chiropractor closest to you, you can start your treatment immediately. Note that you will need more than one session to fully manage your pain and other TMD symptoms.

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